Our School
South Florence High School: Grades 9-12
South Florence High School was established in 1970.
Excellence is the Expectation as we Educate, Prepare, and Inspire!
The Vision and Mission of South Florence High School:
As we strive towards excellence for all students, it is our goal to be outstanding in all that we do. We aim to provide outstanding student experiences, outstanding parent engagement opportunities, and outstanding support for all stakeholders. Working toward excellence as a premier arts magnet high school with engaging opportunities for our diverse student population is our daily goal. It is our responsibility to support our students both academically and emotionally throughout their high school years so that all students are well prepared to enter college, a career, or the military.
Our Vision:
Educate, Prepare and Inspire!
Our Mission:
The mission of South Florence High School is to provide students with meaningful learning experiences which allow them to explore academic and career interests, develop character, and master skills necessary to achieve success in college, a career, or the military. SFHS will provide equitable opportunities in academic, fine arts, career and technical courses, and extracurricular organizations in a safe and positive environment for all students.
We look forward to partnering with you as we continue our journey to EXCELLENCE!
Meet the Admin Team
Meet the Admin Team
Mrs. Shand Josey-Principal
Welcome to South Florence High School! It is my honor to serve as principal. SFHS has the distinction of serving as the Fine Arts Magnet High School for Florence One Schools. Our rich academic and arts programs provide a unique and innovative educational experience for all of our students. The wide variety of courses offered to our students provides them with opportunities in the arts, academics, and science and technology. Our course options include STEM classes, fine arts courses, career and technology classes, and a wide selection of Advanced Placement classes. We are proud to partner with Francis Marion University to offer students opportunities to earn college credit through our thriving dual credit program. The faculty and staff of South Florence High School are committed to providing our students with the foundation needed to be successful in college and career paths post-graduation.
In addition to our academic and fine arts offerings, there are multiple opportunities for students to become involved in high school. Our athletic programs, along with our student club organizations, provide students with the opportunity to become involved and explore individual interests and talents.
I look forward to partnering with all South Florence students and families as we make the journey to excellence in education. Please reach out to me if I may be of assistance. I am proud to be a part of the Bruin Family and I am looking forward to a successful year.
Excellence is the Expectation
Shand W. Josey
South Florence High School
Mrs. Kristie Bridger - Assistant Principal
Freshman Academy (Student Last Names A-K) I am originally from Westminster, SC and have been an educator for 17 years. I played basketball and softball at Francis Marion University. I was an Assistant Principal for 5 years at Moore Middle School. While at Moore I worked closely with the SPED and English Language Arts Departments. I have a Master's degree from Coastal Carolina in Educational Leadership and Francis Marion in Expectational Needs. I am so excited to come to SFHS and work with Freshman Academy!
Mrs. Kristen Cue - Assistant Principal
Main Building (Student Last Names A-E)
I am a proud product of Florence One Schools and find it an absolute honor to serve in the district that inspired me to become an educator. During my time as a teacher, I served as the English Language Arts Department Chair, District Literacy Lead, Pro-Team Instructor, CERRA Mentor, and PBIS Co-Chair.
I received my Bachelor of Arts degree from Coastal Carolina University as well as two Master's in Education degrees in Educational Psychology and Educational Leadership.
I look forward to an amazing journey here at South Florence, where Excellence is the Expectation.
Phone: 843-664-8190
Email: mbush@fsd1.org
Mrs. Maureen Moore-Assistant Principal
Freshman Academy (Student Last Names L-Z)
Hello Bruin Nation! I am originally from New York and moved to Florence, SC in 1996 when I received a job at Southside Middle School as a physical education and health teacher and coaching positions in basketball and soccer at South Florence High School. I attended the State University of New York at Cortland where I majored in Physical Education and Health and played basketball for the Cortland Red Dragons. After teaching eleven years of physical education, I was promoted to assistant principal at Southside Middle School in 2007 and continued there until 2019.
I earned a Bachelor of Science in Education and a Master of Science in Education from SUNY Cortland. I continued my education with a Master of Education from the University of South Carolina in Educational Administration.
I am entering my 28th year in education. Most recently, I served as an assistant principal at Greenwood Elementary from 2019-2023. I look forward to building new relationships with the students and staff as an assistant principal at South Florence High School. My goal is to motivate students and build their confidence to move on and have a successful high school experience. I am excited to be a part of the Bruin family!
“I never lose. I either win or learn.” ~Nelson Mandela
Dr. Adrian Wilkins - Assistant Principal
Main Building (Student Last Names F-K)
I am originally from Moncks Corner, South Carolina and have dedicated myself to education for a little over 10 years. I began my official journey as an English Teacher in Sumter School District in which I served for 8 years. I also served as an AVID site team member, and Co-Captain for the Relay For Life School Initiative.
I received my bachelor’s degree in English and Secondary Level Education from Francis Marion University and my Master’s degree in Education Administration and Supervision from the University of Phoenix. I am currently a doctoral candidate in Higher Education Administration and Education Leadership at Liberty University.
I have had the pleasure of working in athletics as well, serving as a head Junior Varsity and B-team boys basketball coach and assistant Varsity boys basketball coach.
It is an honor to serve the faculty, staff and students at South Florence high school. Proud to be a Bruin!
Phone: 843-758-6554
Email: scoward@fsd1.org
Dr. Sandy Coward- Assistant Principal
Main Building (Student Last Names L-Q)
I am originally from Marion, South Carolina, and I have worked with Florence One Schools for 23 years. My beginning steps as an educator began at West Florence High School where I student taught and then began teaching English for five years. Because I love reading, I became a school librarian and served in this capacity for 18 years. My love for education, learning, and reading has allowed me the wonderful opportunity to teach English and serve as a school librarian.
I obtained my Bachelor's of Arts in Secondary English Education degree from Francis Marion University. I obtained a Master's in Education degree from Lesley University and a Master's in Library and Information Science degree from the University of South Carolina. I also obtained a Doctor of Philosophy in Education with a specialization in Leadership and Educational Administration degree from Capella University.
I am excited to be a part of South Florence High School to work with an amazing team of faculty, students, staff, and administration. I am proud to be a part of the Bruin family!
Phone: 843-758-6518
Email: bdrawdy@fsd1.org
Mr. Brad Drawdy- Assistant Principal
Main Building (Student Last Names R-Z)
Hello Bruins, I am pleased to be a member of the Bruin Family!
I graduated from Francis Marion University in 2000 with a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and began teaching Math at Hannah Pamplico shortly after. I taught at both the Middle and High school levels for 14 years. As a teacher, I also had the opportunity to coach football, baseball, and golf.
I also received a Master's degree in School Administration from Grand Canyon University and became an Assistant Principal, a role I have served since 2015.
I serve as AP over students' last name R-Z and work closely with Math, CTE, and World Language Departments.
I am enjoying my time at South Florence and look forward to continuing to work with the amazing faculty and staff. Go Bruins!
South Florence High Profile
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Contact Us
South Florence Contacts
- Barbara Davis - Attendance
- Hope Camper and Brittany Waller - School Nurses
- Kourtney Carter - School Counselor
- Sharon Durant - School Counselor
- Mary Frances Jones - School Counselor
- Grayson Norwood - School Counselor
- Katherine Patrick - School Counselor
- Charmaigne Ray - School Counselor
Barbara Davis - Attendance
Hope Camper and Brittany Waller - School Nurses
Kourtney Carter - School Counselor
Sharon Durant - School Counselor
Mary Frances Jones - School Counselor
Grayson Norwood - School Counselor
Katherine Patrick - School Counselor
Charmaigne Ray - School Counselor
Title I
School - Parent - Student Compact
South Florence High School and the parents of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title 1, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and participating students agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.
This school – parent-student compact is in effect during the 2024-25 school year.
School Responsibilities
The South Florence High School staff will:
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows:
- Use academic learning time efficiently
- Provide a safe, supportive, and effective learning environment
- Respect cultural, racial, and ethnic differences
- Implement Florence One School’s Curriculum Alignment Document
- Offer high quality instruction in all academic areas
- Maintain a “Highly Qualified Status”
- Hold parent-teacher conferences (at least annually) during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.
- Florence One Schools will hold parent-teacher conferences on Nov. 4th and February 7th. Please contact your child’s teacher during these dates and as needed throughout the school year (843-664-8190).
- Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress. The school will provide reports as follows:
- Interim Reports will go home on Sept. 3rd, Nov. 13th, Feb. 10th, and Apr. 29th.
- Report Cards will go home on Oct. 15th, Jan. 8th, March 21st, and the final report card will be mailed via USPS.
- Telephone calls are made when needed.
- Emails are sent as needed.
- Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Staff will be available for consultation with parents during planning or after school as follows:
- Appointments can be made through the office (843-664-8190) or by written request.
- Telephone calls
- E-mail and communication through
- Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities, through the following opportunities:
- Service on school-wide committees
- APTS membership
- Volunteer service in classrooms or the media center
- Parent -Teacher conferences
- Participate in after school events
- Provide parents with opportunities to observe classroom activities during:
- Scheduled Parent Nights
Parent Responsibilities
As parent/guardian, I will encourage and support my child’s learning in the following ways:
- Monitor attendance---tardies and absences.
- Make sure that homework is completed and provide a quiet space for my child to accomplish this.
- Attend the 2024 - 2024 Parent Orientation/Title One Annual Meeting before my student(s) starts school.
- Attend Title 1/APT Family Events.
- Read, sign, and return all school notices whether received through my child or the mail.
- Monitor my child’s use of, and time engaged with, the following types of electronic media devices.
- Television
- Computer/Chromebook and other electronic games
- Internet activities
- Cell phones
- Attend parent-teacher conferences and meetings when requested.
- Set an example for my child by being a lifelong learner.
- Ensure appropriate use of free-time.
Student Responsibilities
As a student, I share the responsibility to improve my academic achievement and to meet my state’s high standards for learning by doing the following tasks:
- Complete all assignments
- Read daily outside of school as required by my teacher
- Attend school regularly
- Bring necessary learning tools to class (charge Chromebook each night)
- Cooperate with parent, teachers, and peers
- Participate in classroom activities
- Ask for help when needed
- Show respect for people and property
- Give my parent or guardian all school notices and information on the day I receive them
- Demonstrate respectful, responsible behavior in all areas including the classroom, cafeteria, restroom, and hallways.
Download School - Parent - Student Compact PDF for printing and parent signature.
SFHS Engagement Policy
South Florence High School Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2024-2025
August 2024
Parents of South Florence High School are involved in formulating the Parent and Family Engagement Policy through Parent Input Forms and Title I/School Improvement Council Committee meetings. The Parent and Family Engagement Policy is discussed at Title 1 Annual meetings and Title I/ School Improvement Council meetings held throughout the year. Parents and Guardians can find a Title I Input Form on the school’s website in order to provide the school with any changes they would like to see to the policy. The Title I Committee, which includes parents, is involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Parent Surveys are used to gather information regarding needed workshops, barriers that may hinder parents from attending workshops/meetings, most convenient time/day for workshops, and knowledge of Title I. All parents will receive school and district Parent and Family Engagement policies via email, as well as on the South Florence High School website.
The Title I Program Plan is discussed at the Title 1 Annual Meeting. Parents may ask for further discussion or they may view a copy upon request. Parents are informed of program requirements and their right to be involved. The plan is also discussed at the Title 1 committee meetings and at the monthly School Improvement Council Meetings. All parent suggestions and comments are taken into consideration.
To encourage parent and family engagement, South Florence High School will provide parents with timely information about current programs and activities. Our school website is kept current so that parents can see what is going on at our school, and SMORE newsletters with Title I updates are emailed weekly. SMORE reminders are sent out regarding important dates and upcoming events sponsored by either South Florence High School or Florence One Schools.
South Florence High School will give parents a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure students’ progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet. This is achieved through parent-teacher conferences, the school website, and information given at parent orientation and Title I /School Improvement Council meetings. Meetings and conferences will be held at various times during the day to accommodate the work schedules of our parents
South Florence High School will, if requested by parents, give opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and respond to any suggestions as soon as possible. This can be accomplished at APTS meetings, appointments made with grade level teachers and/or administrators, or at parent-teacher conferences.
If the school-wide program plan is not satisfactory to the parents of the participating children, the comments and suggestions will be submitted to the Title I Committee. South Florence High School may use Title 1 funds to pay reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parent and family engagement activities to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions (parent workshops).
South Florence High School will provide materials and training through Title 1 Parent Meetings (workshops). The workshops are planned from requests on the Title 1 parent surveys. The workshops may include informational sessions on FAFSA, scholarship opportunities, and other pertinent information to help parents. Parent Workshops will be held at various times during the day and year.
The South Florence High School Compact will be jointly developed with parents, school staff and students and will outline how parents, school staff, and students will share in the responsibility for improved student achievement. Parents are also involved in the planning (Title I Committee Planning Meeting), review, and improvement of the school’s Title I Program.
Download the SFHS Enagement Policy
Additional Title I Information
Parenting Tips for School Success
- January Parenting Tip for School Success
- December Parenting Tip for School Success
- November Parentng Tip for School Success
- October Parenting Tip for School Success
- September Parenting Tip for School Success
January Parenting Tip for School Success
December Parenting Tip for School Success
Stay up to date and be aware of what’s happening in your child's classroom, school, and district. Subscribe to email lists, read newsletters, and check websites. Also, put important dates on your calendar. It will show your child that their school is a priority.
November Parentng Tip for School Success
Remember when your child was young? While learning their ABC’s, colors and shapes, you probably made up games and songs about learning and had regular conversations about the world we live in. Your child was eager to learn and to show you how much they knew. Now that they are older, they still seek your interest and approval. Take the time to talk about the things they are learning, link family activities to academic subjects, have dinner conversations about current events and ask your child’s opinion. You’ll be surprised by the fact that your approval still matters.
October Parenting Tip for School Success
Parenting Tips for School Success One easy way to invest in your child's educational career is to set goals, both individually and as a family. Try to do this at the beginning of a new school year, the first of the month, or the beginning of academic semesters. Revisit and monitor goal progress and always celebrate an accomplished task!
September Parenting Tip for School Success
Learning and mastering the skills of getting organized, staying focused, and seeing work through to the end will help students in just about everything they do. Students can benefit from parental guidance with organization and time-management skills.
See a Provider Without Leaving School
Your child now has the option for non-emergency medical care at school with McLeod TeleHealth visits. No Appointment is necessary. Visits are private and secure.
McLeod TeleHealth welcomes Family Nurse Practitioner Lauren Johnson, FNP-BC. Lauren has worked with McLeod Health since 2018 and has more than ten years of experience in the healthcare industry. Since 2019 she has served the McLeod Carolina Forest Community as a Primary Care Provider in treating and managing both acute and chronic conditions. Before obtaining her Master’s Degree, she worked as a Registered Nurse at the bedside in both medical/surgical nursing and intensive care and has been serving as a Nurse Practitioner for the past four years.
Accelerated Bachelor’s in Nursing
The Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC/2012
Family Nurse Practitioner and Master of Science in Nursing
The Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC/2019
Board Certification
Board Certified by American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
Frequently Asked Questions About The School-Based TeleHealth Program
- How can I enroll a student in the SBTP?
- Is it mandatory for students to enroll in the SBTP?
- What type of care can my child receive in the SBTP?
- Will the student receive a prescription medication?
- Is there a cost to participate in the SBTP?
- Is a student required to have health insurance to be seen at the SBTP?
- What if the student already has a doctor?
- Can students from other schools access care from the SBTP?
- Will the equipment allow the provider to adequately diagnose the student?
How can I enroll a student in the SBTP?
To enroll a student in the SBTP, a parent/legal guardian must complete and return the Parental Consent Forms to the child’s school.
If you are interested in enrolling or would like more information, please email our District Nurse, Beth Holzbach, at bholzbach@fsd1.org.
Is it mandatory for students to enroll in the SBTP?
Enrolling in the SBHC is NOT mandatory; however, it is strongly encouraged so that students may have access to quality comprehensive health care for diagnosis and treatment of illnesses such as
cough/cold, sore throat, pink eye, rashes, allergies, respiratory infections, ear infections, flu, bronchitis, and other low-acuity illnesses.
What type of care can my child receive in the SBTP?
What type of care can my child receive in the SBTP?
If your child is enrolled in the SBTP, he or she will receive the same care that they would get at the doctor's office. The SBTP can manage a student's illness or minor injury at the school; thus decreasing absenteeism from school. The SBTP will NOT provide care to students without the knowledge and consent of the parent/legal guardian. If the parent desires to join the visit, they can request an email link with the appointment time and video connection instructions.
Will the student receive a prescription medication?
Some conditions can be treated with over-the-counter medication; others require a more robust treatment plan requiring a prescription. Depending upon the provider’s assessment, the student may or may not receive a prescription. If the provider determines the treatment plan requires a prescribed medication, the prescription will be electronically sent to the local pharmacy of choice.
Is there a cost to participate in the SBTP?
Is a student required to have health insurance to be seen at the SBTP?
The program does not require any upfront costs from parents/legal guardians. If the student’s insurance has a co-pay, the parent/legal guardian may be responsible for the co-pay amount and the provider will bill the insurance company just like a typical primary care doctor’s visit. If you do not have insurance, you will be billed for the cost of the visit.
What if the student already has a doctor?
Can students from other schools access care from the SBTP?
Will the equipment allow the provider to adequately diagnose the student?
YES! The provider has video equipment in their office, allowing them to see your child through a high-definition camera and state-of-the-art equipment. The equipment used on the student’s side has multiple attachments that allow the provider to see inside the child's ear and mouth, increase the zoom to see rashes, and get key vital readings in real time.