The library media program at South Florence High School enables students and staff to become life-long learners and effective users of ideas and information in the 21st century. Our Library/Media Specialists collaborate with classroom teachers in planning and providing units of study which integrate information skills with classroom content. Resources and activities representing a diversity of experiences and skills assist the students in becoming responsible and effective users of information. The library also emphasizes the value of reading for pleasure and growth and acknowledges that the enjoyment of literature is a powerful tool for educating, preparing, and inspiring.
School Library Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Extended hours available by request (at least 48 hours in advance). Students with passes will be allowed to work and study in the library before and after school.
Students can use the library during their lunchtime without a pass; students should not come to the library during class exchange and will need a pass to the library during class times