- About F1CA
- Band
- Chorus
- Dance
- Music Technology
- Orchestra
- Piano
- Studio Production and Film
- Theatre
- Visual Arts
About F1CA
About F1CA
The Florence One Center for the Arts (F1CA), an integrated arts magnet program at South Florence High School, offers an integrated experience for students who have a passion for the arts and a desire to express themselves. The Florence One Center for the Arts (F1CA) highlights opportunities for students to excel in Visual Arts, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Studio Production and Film Design, Dance, and Theater. We offer experiences that integrate the arts across the curriculum. Students participating in F1CA will be highly competitive for admission to rigorous university programs.
F1CA Applications
The South Florence High School Band is made up of students in 9th-12th grades and all ability levels. They meet daily and perform several concerts throughout the year. Students in Band I and II are enrolled in the CP level, F1CA students are enrolled in the Honors level. Band III and IV is taught at the Honors level for all students. All students participate in Marching Band (fall semester), seasonal concerts, and the Graduation ceremony.
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Michael Lloyd
Band Director
Audition Requirements for the Band Program
Audition Requirements for the Band Program
Brass & Woodwinds
- Scales - SCBDA Region Junior Level
- Prepared piece - up to 1 minute in length, solo only - no ensemble parts
- Sight Reading
- Interview
- Snare - SCBDA Region Junior Level rudiments
- Mallets - SCBDA Region Junior Level Scales
- Prepared piece (Snare or Mallets) - up to 1 minute in length, solo only - no ensemble parts
- Sight Reading
- Interview
After Acceptance Requirements
Additional Requirements After Acceptance
Upon acceptance, F1CA students will have additional requirements above and beyond the base requirements for Band. They must complete at least 6 of the items below each semester:
- Marching Band*
- Eastern District Band Audition*
- Eastern District Band Clinic**
- Region 5 Audition*
- Region 5 Band Clinic**
- All-State Audition
- All-State Clinic**
- Solo & Ensemble*
- Private Lessons
- Outside Clinics
- Outside Performances (PAC, Little Theatre, Florence Symphony, etc.)
- Florence Youth Orchestra
- Tri-M Music Honor Society (10-12 grades)
* required, ** required if the student earns a chair in one of the ensembles
The South Florence High School Choral program is made up of students in 9th-12th grades and all ability levels. Students may participate in the Chorus class or audition for the Choraliers (10th-12th grades). They meet daily and perform several concerts throughout the year. Students in Chorus I and II are enrolled in the CP level, F1CA students are enrolled in the Honors level. Chorus III and IV is taught at the Honors level for all students.
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Audition Requirements for the Choral Program
Audition Requirements for the Choral Program
- Solos - select two songs which show the character and quality of your voice. Students should be prepared to sing both selections from memory with piano accompaniment.
Folk songs, hyms, lyrical/quality musical theatre, or jazz/pop ballads are permissible. The selections should be of differing styles that display musicallity, expression, understanding of vowel shaping, and range.
- Sight Reading
Students will echo sing simple and complex intervals and rhythmic patterns. They will also sight read a short passage on solfedge or a neutral syllable.
- Interview
After Acceptance Requirements
Additional Requirements After Acceptance
Upon acceptance, F1CA students will have additional requirements above and beyond the base requirements for Chorus. These requirements include:
- Audition for All-City Chorus
- Audition for All-State Chorus
- Audition for Chamber Choir and Women's Choir
- Attend one on campus Honors Choir performance
- Attend one off campus musical performance and submit a written review
- Participation in Tri-M Music Honor Society (10th-12th grades)
The Dance program at South Florence High School is made up of students in 9th-12th grades. Our program strives to match our school in its diversity of gender, race, socioeconomic status, size, and ability levels. Students have the opportunity to create, respond, analyze, and connect dance to their personal experiences and the world. Daily technique training is challenging and rigorous allowing the dancers to develop their physical abilities.
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Audition Requirements for the Dance Program
Audition Requirements for the Dance Program
- Learning and performing a Jazz combination in a group setting
- Dance improvisation activity
- 1 minute prepared solo in the style of Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary or Modern
- Interview
Please come prepared with proper dance attire (clothes you can move in and are school appropriate) and a water bottle. Please send your music to aarnold@fsd1.org prior to the day of auditions. Please send either the music itself or a link to it, with the start time and end time of the solo along with your full name.
After Acceptance Requirements
Additional Requirements After Acceptance
Upon acceptance, FOCA students will have additional requirements above and beyond the base requirements for Dance. These requirements include:
- Participate in extra dance performances
- Audition/Perform in off-campus events *(if/when available)
- Participate in Master Classes with guest artists
- Attend a college's Day of Dance
Music Technology
Music Technology
Audio Engineering and Music Technology prepares students for jobs in the fields of music, video, television, broadcasting, and film by teaching them the art and technical craft of sound recording, music recording, and studio production. The science of sound, as well as the techniques and equipment that are used to capture and improve it, are the center of our audio engineering program. Our courses focus on studying how audio equipment works and how to integrate technology into the daily operations of recording studios, television networks, and radio stations.
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Audition Requirements for the Music Technology Program
Audition Requirements for the Music Technology Program
- Option 1: Musical audition: One musical selection (instrumental or vocal) at least 1 minute in length displaying the students musical ability.
- Option 2: Editing audition: Compose, arrange, and edit a piece of music using GarageBand, Pro Tools, or any other type of software that you are comfortable using. The selection should include two sections, each 8 measures in length. SFHS has GarageBand and Pro Tools available, but any other software or web based application would need to be provided by the student.
- Interview
After Acceptance Requirements
Student Portfolio
Original Music Written, Recorded, and Produced by SF Music Technology students.
Last Christmas
Student Led Project
Florence Area Big Band Combo
Collaboration with the Florence Area Big Band Combo and South Florence Music Technology Programs
Marching Bruins
Collaboration with the South Florence Marching Band, Film Design, and Music Technology Programs
I'll Be On My Way
Collaboration with the South Florence HS Choraliers, Film Design, and Music Technology Programs
The South Florence High School Orchestra is made up of students in 9th-12th grades and all ability levels. They meet daily and perform several concerts throughout the year. Students in Orchestra I and II are enrolled in the CP level, F1CA students are enrolled in the Honors level. Orchestra III and IV is taught at the Honors level for all students. All students participate in All-City Orchestra and seasonal concerts. Orchestra students also have the opportunity to participate in the Solo & Ensemble festival each Spring.
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Audition Requirements for the Orchestra Program
Audition Requirements for the Orchestra Program
Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass
- 2 octave Major scales
- Solo piece
- Sight reading
- Interview
The most important quality to be part of the orchestra is not perfection, but a work-hard attitude and perseverance. Orchestra welcomes anyone who loves music and wants to have fun!
After Acceptance Requirements
Additional Requirements After Acceptance
Upon acceptance, F1CA students will have additional requirements above and beyond the base requirements for Orchestra. These requirements include:
- Audition/ Participation in the Florence Youth Orchestra
- Region Orchestra Auditions
- After School peer tutoring (once a month)
- FAME member in good standing
- Participation in Tri-M Music Honor Society (10th-12th grades)
- Participation in Solo & Ensemble
- Attendance at two concerts or performances each semester (SFHS groups or community groups)
The South Florence High School Piano Program is made up of students in 9th-12th grades and all ability levels. They meet daily and perform throughout the year. Students in 11th or 12th grades are eligible to take piano class for Dual Enrollment credit.
Contact Us!
Christy Roe
Piano Teacher
Audition Requirements for the Piano Program
Audition Requirements for the Piano Program
Audition Requirements:
Two contrasting pieces (must perform the whole piece OR an excerpt of at least 12 consecutive measures from each piece)
One Major Pentascale (hands separately or together, in any major key)
Complete a brief written diagnostic test (covers music theory and terminology)
Complete an interview with Mrs. Roe
After Acceptance Requirements
Additional Requirements After Acceptance
Upon acceptance, F1CA students will have additional requirements above and beyond the base requirements for Piano.
1. Perform in at least one master class each school year.
2. Perform in at least two piano recitals each school year (Winter and Spring).
3. Participate in any piano festivals during the school year or summer months.
4. Maintain proficiency in Theory/Technique requirements at Level C or higher (according to the National Federation of Music Clubs District Requirements)
Level C Theory/Technique requirements:
Major keys: C G D A E F
Harmonic minor keys: a e d
Scales: one octave, hands together. Minimum speed: quarter note = 60
Chords: tonic, subdominant, dominant; root position and inversions, hands separately. Root position only of chords in required minor keys
Cadences: I - IV - I - V (V7) - I in required Major keys only
Intervals: played from the keynote as they occur in the scale
5. Master piano pieces at challenging and attainable levels on a regular basis.
Studio Production and Film
Studio Production & Film Design
- About
- Audition Requirements for the Studio Production and Film Design Program
- After Acceptance Requirements
Production and Film Design engages the subject of film, studio production, and video creation. Students will apply learned techniques of editing, visual storytelling, and many other related concepts that evoke emotions from an audience. This course covers the history of production, film, shot selection, progression, and application of motion picture. Students will apply learned knowledge in writing, storyboarding, shot sheet creation, and reviewing scripts, visual stories, and media works.
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Audition Requirements for the Studio Production and Film Design Program
Audition Requirements for the Studio Production and Film Design Program
- Option 1: Video Editing: Two video production pieces at least 1 minute in length displaying filming, audio, and editing skills. The two pieces should be in contrasting styles.
- Option 2: Broadcast Performance: For your audition, you will write, edit, and deliver a 2 min. broadcast from our news studio. You will then perform basic editing to your piece using our video and editing equipment. Basic broadcast/editing Instructions will be provided.
- Interview
After Acceptance Requirements
Additional Requirements After Acceptance
Upon acceptance, F1CA students will have additional requirements above and beyond the base requirements for Studio Production & Film Design. These requirements include:
- Participation in Studio-B Productions (SFHS film club)
- Running Technical Assistance in a Minimum of One Production Each Year
Audition Requirements for the Theatre Arts Program
Audition Requirements for the Theatre Arts Program
- Monologues - Two 1 minute memorized and contrasting monologues (Bring a hard copy of each monologue with you or email to Mr. Frankie Sullivan at fsullivan@fsd1.org in advance.)
- Improvisation- Improvise a one to two-minute scene with beginning, middle, and end, in response to a given character and situation.
- Pantomime- Perform a 30-second prepared pantomime with beginning, middle, and end of a person or animal engaged in an activity.
- Interview- Questions ascertaining knowledge and skill as well as attitude and interest.
After Acceptance Requirements
Additional Requirements After Acceptance
Upon acceptance, F1CA students will have additional requirements beyond the base requirements for Theatre. These requirements include:
- Participation in ITS (International Thespian society)
- 25 hours outside of class time on a theatrical production not at school site
- Audition for community theatre.
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Visual Arts
Visual Arts
The South Florence High School Visual Arts program offers classes in a wide variety of visual arts covering 2-D, 3-D, and digital art-making. In each course, students will be exposed to a variety of art-making practices and techniques, as well as the historical and cultural impacts art has on life. Courses include Art 1-4, AP Studio, 3D Design 1&2, and Media Arts 1&2.
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Amber Harrar
Drawing 1 & 2 Honors
Art 4 Honors
AP Art & Design
Mary Whyte Art Educator Award Recipient
Adrianna Gardner
Ceramics 1 & 2 Honors
Art 3 Honors
3D Design 1 & 2 Honors
Madison Tripp
Painting 1 & 2 Honors
3D Design
Audition Requirements for the Visual Arts Program
Audition Requirements for Visual Arts
- Students must complete a portfolio including 4 artworks: a still-life, landscape, portrait, and a free-choice piece. Anime is not an acceptable form of art to be submitted for ANY of the categories. The work must be current (from the most recent school year).
- Students are required to bring the complete portfolio to the interview.
- Interview (will be scheduled upon completion of the F1CA application).
After Acceptance Requirements
Additional Requirements After Acceptance
Upon acceptance, F1CA students will have additional requirements above and beyond the base requirements for their art classes. These requirements include:
- Active NAHS membership
- One art competition submission per semester
- One art gallery or museum visit per semester
- Attendance at two SFHS Fine Arts events per semester
- Research Project - assigned in enrolled art class